Fun Facts for 26 April 2018

Canadians guzzled $9.2 billion worth of beer last year.
Diversity is the art of thinking independently-together.
There is no flight without wings.
In 2012, an Air Canada jet dropped from 11 000 to 1 200 metres, in response to an SOS, off the coast of  Australia. The ship was located 25 minutes later. 
A miss is as good as a mister.

Hawaii’s last pineapple processing plant was canned in 2006.
Orthographists study the written form of language. 
Dog owners outnumber cat owners by a mite more than 200,000 in the United States.
Rescue cats are like toilet paper: Good for the planet but scratchy. 
Midwives are known to help people out.

At 53%, residents of Rhode Island and Minnesota are the least likely to have pets.
Age is a very high price to pay for maturity.
It is never too late to give up prejudice.
Delta Airlines allows passengers from Hawaii to board with a box or bag of pineapples at no charge.
Some people are sufficiently dense that light must refract around them. 

Gerbils were first discovered in Syria, in 1797.
Cats are Canadians’ pet of choice—57% of all households report felines in the family.
Kaplan is the second most common surname among the world’s Jewish population.
Being young is a fault that diminishes daily. 
Kleptomaniacs really should take something for it.


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