Fun Facts for 28 April 2018

In 2016, the United States imported $568 million worth of umbrellas from China.
A newborn gerbil is called a pup.
On election day, voters choose among ten political parties in Luxembourg.
It is estimated that the National Rifle Association has 5 million paid members.
Before it is too late, we must demand stiffer laws regarding pun control. 

Indonesia is comprised of 18,307 islands. 
There will be 53 Mondays this year—a phenomenon that will next appear in 2024.
Jacob’s Ladder has 70 rungs, according to some rabbinical schools of thought.
Tunisians have the planet’s lowest gun ownership with .01 firearms per hundred people.
The easiest way to overachieve is to aim low. 

According to CNN, there are 83 million fake profiles on Facebook. 
Jeep manufactures vehicles in the US, Mexico, China, Brazil, Italy and Venezuela. 
On this date in 1953, Dr. Jonas Salk announced a vaccine to prevent polio.
Present and accounted for, 5, 032,183 students attend Canada’s elementary and high schools.
The National Research Council has discovered that experiments cause cancer in rats.

Plantains are the world’s tenth most important food crop. 
Liechtenstein is home to 89 Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The 1966 Cadillac de Ville was the first automobile to feature heated seats. 
From Antarctica to the Turks & Caicos Islands, the UK rules fourteen Overseas Territories.
If the shoe fits, then buy its mate.


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