Fun Facts for 29 April 2018

The fine for whistling on a Sunday in Salt Lake City is $1,000.
There are 16 million tractors on the planet.
Fingernails grow twice as fast as toenails. 
On this date in 1990, the Berlin Wall met with wrecking cranes. 
If you notice an onion ring, then answer it.

People express six basic emotions.
The world’s first police car appeared on the streets of Akron, Ohio in 1899. 
Quaker Oats is owned by PepsiCo. 
Switzerland is home to 216 banking institutions. 
Folks who can’t eat rice with their curry are most likely basmatic. 

Egypt and Peru hold national elections on Sundays.
A lemon tree produces 300 kilos of fruit a year.
Bell Canada was incorporated on this date in 1880.
The World Wildlife Fund has counted 3,890 tigers in the world’s jungles. 
Toblerone chocolate bars are triangular in shape so they will fit in the box.

255 babies are born every minute of every day. 
Beating bananas--three to one--mangoes are the most commonly consumed fruit on Earth.
7.4% of Guyana’s roads are paved.
There are 22,130 sworn officers in the ranks of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 
People who love maps would be lost without them.


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