22 May 2018

The eggplant is a berry. 
On this date in 1936, Aer Lingus became Ireland’s state airline.
Tuesday’s child is full of grace. 
One out of every six people live on an island.
Fish don’t applaud. ~Bob Hope 

St. Adrian is the patron saint of armament dealers. 
5.6 million Torontonians can dine in any of the city’s 8,000 eateries. 
The average life of a flamingo spans 20 to 30 years.
Homo Sapiens are the only living beings that sleep on their backs. 
People who throw kisses are hopelessly lazy. ~Bob Hope

Globally, there are 255 births every minute.
Denizens of St. Paul, Alberta have built a UFO landing pad—just in case.
A group of flamingoes is called a colony and can be home to a million fine-feathered friends.
Singapore imports 13% of the world’s sand. 
Bigamy is the only crime where two rites make a wrong. ~Bob Hope

Belgium legalized euthanasia in 2002. 
The most common surname in Serbia is Jovanovič.
Yes, you read this correctly: Oklahoma’s official state vegetable is the watermelon. 
The ballpoint pen was invented in 1938. 
If I had my life to live over, I wouldn’t have time. ~Bob Hope

The ampersand was once the 27th and final letter in the English alphabet. 
Messers Wasylyk of MB and Hansen of ON invented garbage bags in 1950.The first client was the Winnipeg General Hospital. 
Linguists may sleep easier, having learned that Mickey Mouse is Micjo Muso in Esperanto. 
The Chicago River once flowed into Lake Michigan but its course was reversed in 1900.
The budget won't balance and terrorists abound. We don’t know if America will be overthrown or overdrawn. ~Bob Hope


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