24 May 2018

The Statue of Liberty wears size 879 in sandals.
In China, the last course served at a meal is soup.
Pomology is the study of fruit. 
The sewing term used to describe an armhole in clothing is an ‘armsaye’.
According to Canada’s Food Guide, food is an important part of a balanced diet. 

Bananas are slightly radioactive.
Europe has more than 10,000 types of soil. 
Thursday’s child has far to go. 
Today  in 1944, 98.4% of Icelanders voted to exit the Kingdom of Denmark, still under Nazi occupation.
An apple a day will keep anyone away—if thrown hard enough. 

The Dutch and New Zealanders get the most sleep. 
Minute Rice was first stocked on grocery store shelves in 1949.
Las Vegas is home to 122 casinos.
Polar bears are southpaws. 
Stress cannot exist in the presence of pie. 

The traditional housewife cleaned the upstairs on Thursdays.
Male horses have 40 teeth; their female counterparts have 36.
Apple is the flavour of New York’s Official State Muffin. 
Vietnam holds the world’s single largest deposit of bauxite. 
A party without cake is just a meeting. ~Julia Child


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