25 May 2018

The collective term for lies is called a ‘pack’.
Donated blood has a 40-day shelf life before it goes bad.
The value of the artwork within the Louvre is pegged at €25 billion. 
Produced in all six states, Australia is Earth’s fifth largest exporter of wine. 
Cauliflower is nothing more than a cabbage with a university education. ~Mark Twain

For 85 years, the ‘eight’ in V8 are: tomato, carrot, celery, beet, parsley, lettuce, watercress and spinach.
At 57%, Italy is the EU’s paradise for bank robbers. 
A dozen of the fifty United States have official dogs and five have state cats. 
1% of Eritreans possess telephones. 
Someone who suffers from the irrational fear of picnics is called a basket case.

The population of Labrador comprises  6% of Newfoundland and Labrador’s total.
An orange tree bears blossoms and fruit at the same time. 
It was 1995 when eBay got its start in Pierre Omidyar's living room.
An upscale grocery cart costs USD$400.
One day you’re the best thing since sliced bread—the next day you’re toast. 

The prickly pear cactus is the Official Plant of Texas—and yes—citizens turn it into wine.
With 49 editions in 21 languages, Reader’s Digest is Earth’s #1 magazine, sold to 40 million people.
There are 214 days until Christmas. 
For an hour’s worth of entertainment, a clown costs $125 plus GST, provincial tax and tip. 
Just burned 2,000 calories. That’s the last time I bake brownies and nap.  


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