21 July 2018

McDonalds hands out 1.8 million straws a day at its 1,361 restaurants in the UK and Ireland.
Japanese and Koreans are the majority of tourists to the US Commonwealth of Saipan.
In 60 years of exploration, spacecraft have visited all eight planets in the Solar System.
Pork accounts for 51% of meat production in the EU’s abattoirs. 
Pigs born without legs are called groundhogs.

To divulge secrets, the phrase ‘spill the beans’ entered the lexicon in 1902.
Dinner is served in Buenos Aires at 9 o’clock in the evening.
The average lifespan is 15 years for a thatched roof.
945,000 cows graze on Canada’s 10,952 dairy farms.
Lysol-flavoured jelly beans were a huge fail.

Papua New Guinea and Queensland are home to the endangered Tree-kangaroo. 
Buckwheat contains all eight essential amino acids. 
Since 1900, El Niño has made 26 recorded appearances.
Strawberries contain only one ingredient.
Ministry of Beans Memo #91: before scaling giant bean stalks, get an OK from Monsanto and wear regulation climbing safety gear.

Koo is South Africa’s favourite baked bean brand.
Cat litter made its first appearance 70 years ago.
Québec boasts 5,368 dairy farms; there are 32 in Newfoundland and Labrador.
To thank someone in Chamorro, one says, Si Yu'us Må'åse' (God have mercy).
A hog farmer in St. Paul, Alberta won $18 million in Lotto 6/49. Now, he’s filthy rich.

Today’s Quote: Skate were the puck is going, not where it has been. ~Wayne Gretzky


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