26 July 2018

Today in 1758, the British captured the Fortress of Louisboug—the capital of New France—seizing control of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
A collective of racoons is called a nursery.
There are only four colours of passport covers.
Nine nations possess 15,000 nuclear weapons, ready to launch at a moment’s notice.
When space aliens return to their home planets, the first question asked is, “Where on Earth have you been?”

Since 1965, this is Independence Day for the 311,739 revellers who live in The Maldives.
Unlike most mammals, bears see the world in colour. 
Italy has been ruled by 66 governments since World War Two.
Kraft introduced processed cheese singles in 1950.
The result of crossing a bear with a harp is a bear-faced lyre.

Britain and France account for 73% of the EU’s credit card fraud.
More than half of 280,208 Tahitians are members of the Mahoi Protestant Church.  
The plural form of ‘offspring’ is ‘offspring’. 
The top three surnames for Maldivians are: Mohammed, Ali and Ibrahim. 
At the checkout, the cashier said, “Strip down, facing me.”  Oops! She meant my VISA card.

The temp of the Lake of Fire is 444.6°C. If higher, molten brimstone becomes vapour.
Since 2000, The Royal Mint has designed all of our coins to be magnetic.
There are seven types of irregular plural nouns in the English language. 
From 1982 to 1994, computer-savvy consumers bought 17 million Commodore 64s.
Prior to backing up any files, first locate Reverse on your laptop.

Today’s Quote: Without knowledge the world is bereft of culture. And so we must be educators and students both. ~Roberta Bondar


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