27 July 2018
Today in 1940, Bugs Bunny débuted on the silver screen.
The Red Sea is one of four named for colours.
Cooked carrots provide more nutritive value than when eaten raw.
Since the Middle Ages, Finns observe this day as National Sleepy Head Day.
My neighbour was arrested for walking in someone else’s sleep.
Closed to the public, behind Mt. Rushmore is a secret room, home to the Hall of Records.
Queen Victoria coined the word ‘photo’ in 1860.
In 1943 the USMC made Bugs Bunny an honourary Master Sergeant.
Enossophobes deal with the irrational fear of being criticized.
A clumsy tourist attacked me with a camera once—I still have flashbacks.
Centurion comedian Bob Hope died on this date in 2003.
Purple ranks second as the world’s favourite colour.
3.6% of Europeans are allergic to carrots.
The ninth most often portrayed personality on the planet is Bugs Bunny.
Boldly be a splash of colour in a black-and-white world.
English is an official language in 79 nations.
Bugs Bunny was given his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1985.
This is the Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War for North Koreans.
The average Canadian crunches 10,866 carrots annually.
I saw two men rob the Apple Store at knifepoint—now I am an iWitness.
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