29 July 2018

Today in 1958, the National Aeronautics Space Administration was created by the USA.
Jungles resemble rainforests but the former has fewer trees and more sunlight.
Garfield the Cat turns 40 today. He has fans in 110 countries, in 2,200 newspapers.
Contrary to widespread belief, unicorns cannot fly.  
A light year is the same as a regular year but with half the calories.

Today is the International Day of the Tiger.
3 Yemenis sued NASA for trespassing-they proved inheritance of Mars from ancient ancestors.
A person with 20/20 eyesight can see between 2,000 and 2,500 stars at a time.
168 is the number of stars on Canada's Walk of Fame.
When the moon is full, it belches.

When Skylab crashed into Western Australia, NASA received a AUD$400 fine for littering.
The mixture of soda and lime gives all mirrors a greenish hue.
An elephant's sleep cycle is two hours a day.
Introduced in 1849, the first bowler hat cost 12 shillings.
Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin broke the laws of gravity, but received a suspended sentence.

It is NASA’s goal to put people on Mars within the next 20 years.
Our word ‘jungle’ comes from the Sanskrit à€œà€™्à€—à€Č) ‘jungla’ meaning uncultivated land.
From 1959 to 1974, the Ford Galaxie was manufactured on planet Earth.
General Foods introduced Tang in 1957.
The CBC documentary on our solar system was excellent but a lot of it was over my head.

Thomson-Reuters employs 2,500 journalists who report in fourteen languages.
Mix 30 millilitres of Tang into 250 millilitres of water for ‘the drink of astronauts’.
The average North American uses 290 kilos of paper every 365 days. 
The Belgica antarctica is the southernmost continent’s lone species of insect.
Selonogrophers are full of optimism; they always look on the bright side.

Thought of the Day:  Democracy is a value. Rule of law is not; it is a legal concept subject to values. ~Neil Macdonald


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