30 July 2018

On this date in 2003, the final Volkswagen Beetle ever, rolled out the doors in Mexico.
The year 2018 has 53 Mondays. This will not happen again until 2024. 
A group of soap bubbles is called foam. 
55 gumshoes work in Newfoundland & Labrador, 220 in Nova Scotia and 1,250 in Alberta.
I’ve never been a billionaire but I have a premonition that I’d be good at it. 

Today in 1962, the 7,821 kilometre Trans-Canada Highway officially opened.
Retailers sell 200 million bottles of soap bubbles annually. 
75 people work as security guards in Nunavut. 
A dill pickle slush costs $1.49 before 10a at 3,557 Sonic Drive-Ins in 45 of the United States. 
The pen is mightier than the sword, said no one ever, after being attacked by a sword. 

In North America, Monday is the least rainy day of the week. 
Celebrated since 1980, this is Independence Day for 270,002 citizens of Vanuatu.
Entertaining and amusing Earthlings for at least 400 years, soap bubbles are iridescent.
Québec has 17,555 police officers; New Brunswick has 1,405 on its law-and-order teams.
A WHO study shows that three out of four people make up 75% of the planet’s population.

European lions were hunted to extinction circa 100 BCE.
All Estonian police cars are equipped with teddy bears to comfort traumatized children. 
The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round—and have ever since 1939. 
Russian flower bouquets are odd numbered; even-numbers are ONLY for funerals.
Doctors make the worst pets.  

Food for thought: When diplomacy ends, war begins. ~Adolph Hitler


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