31 July 2018

Today, adherents of the Bahá’í Faith gather for spiritual renewal in the Feast of Perfection.
At last count, North America was home to 618 roller coasters.
Sharks never become ill, as they are immune to all known diseases.
Teflon is the slipperiest substance in the world.
The soft tissue between a shark’s teeth is called a slow swimmer.

 60,000 taxis ply the streets of Mexico City every day.
A two-kilo bag of sugar contains ten million grains. 
Per capita, the French have more pets than any other people on Earth.
At sea level, a cubic metre of air weighs one kilo.
The United States will inch its way into the Metric System.

The Pork & Beans War broke out in 1838 when New Brunswickers and Maniacs clashed.
The most commonly recycled product on the planet is the automobile.
There are places in the Atacama Desert where it has never rained.
Althaiophobia its the irrational fear of marshmallows.
The difference between the Boy Scouts and the Royal Canadian Army is Scouts have adult supervision.

13% of Earthlings live in deserts.
Guilt negatively affects the immune system.
India has a Bill of Rights for bovines.
A group of people hired to clap during a performance is called a claque.
Honesty may be the best policy but insanity is the best defence.

Peanuts are an essential ingredient in the manufacture of dynamite.
Sternutation is the medical term for sneezing.
Americans eat 11 billion bananas a year.
The word karate means ‘empty hand’.
Anger management classes should be mandatory for those with short fuses.

Food for Thought: Everyone thinks to change the world but no one thinks of changing himself. ~Leo Tolstoy


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