22 August 2018

Today is National Flag Day for 144.3 million Russians.
Defined as betrayal of trust; breach of faith, the word ‘treason’ entered the lexicon c. 1200.
Lord Cadillac built Fort Ponchartrain (Detroit, MI and Windsor,ON) for France in 1701.
The City of Chennai—once known as Madras—was founded today in 1639.

The 4 kilometre-square Stanley Park is home to a dozen species of trees native to BC. 
116 years ago today, the Cadillac Motor Company was founded by Henry Leland.
Speakers of Inuktitut cannot distinguish the difference between ‘d’ and ’t’ in English.
The largest pipeline spans 1.39 metres; it carries 33 billion cubic litres of natural gas a year.
On this date in 1992, the nation’s First Ministers signed the Charlottetown Accord.

Australia’s 26,000 brickies lay more than 100,000 bricks a year.
A baguette in Brussels costs 0.49€.
A most fertile Marie-Thérèse,, a.k.a. Lady Cadillac, bore six daughters and seven sons.
The Prado is the sixth most visited museum on this planet.

Alexander Graham’s wife and mother were deaf.
Labourers toiled for eleven years to erect the Taj Mahal.
The first solar panel powered an ice cream freezer in 1878.
Menachim Begin, Israel’s sixth PM, was once a terrorist or a freedom fighter-depending on one’s view of history.

Food for Thought: Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. ~Alexander Graham Bell


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