27 August 2018

This is independence Day for three million Moldovans.
Hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons and tropical storms have killed 2 million+ in  200 years.
Laugh often, trigger HGH, that boosts the immune system, be less likely to fall ill. 
There are more than 16,500 hospitals on the planet.
When the mercury hit 44°C, my shadow melted on the sidewalk.

The word Canuck entered the lexicon in 1835.
Say ‘good-bye’ to summer in 26 days.
Today, in 1912, Thomas Wilby and Jack Haney left Halifax in a REO for the first car trek across the Dominion. They arrived in Victoria 52 days later.
The most common surname in Jamaica is Brown.
Knowledge is power and power corrupts—it's obvious that when you study hard, you will be evil. 

Toronto scientists have replaced barley with weed to create a world first-beer with a buzz.
Germany added Samoa to the Second Reich in 1900.
August owes its name to Augustus Caesar, founder and first ruler of the Roman Empire. 
Ground sassafras leaves thicken and flavour Créole dishes, particularly gumbo.
A good name for a locksmith business would be Surelock Homes .

Iced coffee originated in Algeria, in 1840.
Ice skaters spin at 300 RPMs.
It was the year 1865 when Alice first ventured into Wonderland.
Volkswagen Group is the #1 vehicle maker and the seventh largest corporation on Earth.
Some hear voices, others see invisible people--some have no imagination whatsoever.

Food for Thought: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. ~Aristotle


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