24 October 2018

Canada and 50 other nations founded the United Nations today, in 1945.
A dove can fly 870 kilometres in a day. 
Today in 1987, the Parti Québecois announced its opposition to Free Trade with the United States.
On six continents, there are 53 urban centres named Paris. 
Talk is cheap until you hire a lawyer. 

At 402 metres, Mount Obama is the highest point in Antigua. 
Earthlings can travel on more than 40 million kilometres of highways and byways. 
A dozen eggs cost 35¢ at Loblaw’s in 1935; the average income was $313 a year. 
70% of Australia’s kangaroo meat is exported to France and Germany. 
The RMS Titanic carried 20 lifeboats but we do not know how many were non-smoking.

Around 400 AD, bowling was introduced to Germans as a religious cleansing ritual. 
The Reuters News Agency was established in 1851.
Spinach, Swiss chard and beets are all members of the good foot family.
In 2006, Winnie the Pooh was given his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Many drivers go way too fast to worry about cholesterol.

There are 643 farms in Newfoundland and Labrador. 
Deer do not have gall bladders.
More than USD$800 million worth of shopping carts are stolen on Earth, every year.
The Louvre was once a Medieval castle—the base is still visible.
Laughing stock: Cattle with a sense of humour.

Food for Thought:  Talking and communicating are two distinct actions. One is incoherent and wasteful, the other is how to transfer knowledge. ~ Shaun S. Lott 


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