25 October 2018

Christmas comes in sixty days.
We have ten primary aluminum smelters—one in BC and nine in Québec.
The lifespan of a pillow is two to four years.
The Bermuda Police Service has 468 sworn members.
Pakistani politicians are very good at currying favours. 

Knorr began selling alphabet soup nearly 130 years ago.
Women are twice as likely than men to develop varicose veins. 
The official retirement age for Norwegians is 67.
Today in 1861, the Toronto Stock Exchange opened—thirteen companies were listed.
Alternative facts are aversion of the truth.

Kellogg’s manufactures in 18 countries and markets its products in 180 nations. 
Bald eagles mate for life and take turns sitting on the eggs until they hatch.
330,000 people walk through Times Square every day.  
Rob Ford was elected as His Worship, Mayor of Toronto, today in 2010.
Pilot: What one does with wood after cutting and splitting it.

Canada Dry was incorporated in Toronto today in 1905.
There are two types of canals. 
Kia is the 74th most popular make of automobile, worldwide.
French fur traders’ canoes could carry 2 400 kilos of goods, in addition to crew.
100% of all Quebeckers surveyed believed they were excellent drivers. 

Food for Thought: Jehovah gave the people favour in the eyes of the Egyptians, so that they gave them what they asked for... Then the Israelites departed from Ram'eses for Succoth, about 600,000 men on foot, besides children. And a vast mixed company went with them, as well as flocks, herds and a great number of livestock.  ~Moses


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