26 October 2018

Today in 1775, King George III addressed Parliament to declare the American Colonies in rebellion.
There are six days until Hallowe’en.
The blindness caused by pepper spray lasts from 15 to 30 minutes.
Every winter some 4.9 million tonnes of salt is spread on our roads, from St. John’s to Victoria.
Any pumpkin weighing 50 kilos or more is called a pumpkin.

Covered by Britian’s health scheme, the cost of a root canal is £59.10.
Fewer than 1% of Earth’s population are hechtochromites—have two differently-coloured eyes.
The word ‘percent’ comes from the Latin per centum, meaning ‘by the hundred’.  
When animals die, veterinarians often perform necropsies. 
Witches who live together are broommates.

Electrophobes suffer from an irrational fear of electricity. 
Polka dot fabric was given its name in 1857.
After skin, the liver is the second largest organ in the human body.
In 2017, 70 teams from 11 countries took part in the International Hide-and-Seek Championship. 
Vampires flirt by batting their eyes.

A new Swedish study shows that the colder the weather, the higher the risk of cardiac arrest.
Vinegar typically contains 5 to 20% —by volume— acetic acid. 
Online shopping in Canada will hit $39 billion in 2019.
Composed of copper and tin, bronze is not magnetic. 
Ghosts don’t lie because one can see right through them.

Food for Thought: Politics have no relation to morals. ~Prince Machiavelli


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