28 October 2018

The Cuban missile crisis ended today in 1962 when the USSR agreed to remove its weapons on the Caribbean island.
Lactose-free milk is sweeter than regular milk. 
Jerusalem boasts 300 synagogues, 33 mosques and more than 50 Christian churches.
St. Nicholas of Myra, a.k.a., Santa Claus, is the patron saint of pirates.
My neighbour heard that most accidents happen near home, so he moved.

20,000 new words a year enter la langue français. 
The Tar Heel State has an official rock and it’s granite. 
At 819, China is home to the most billionaires.
Today in 1942, the 2 575-kilometre Alcan Highway opened to military traffic.  
Don’t be shocked, toasters are not waterproof. 

China shares its borders with 14  nations.
The botanical term for the three types of grasses is graminoids.
The term ‘copycat’ was first used in print in 1896.
43 skyscrapers in The Big Apple warrant their own Zip Codes. 
My neighbour accidentally dialled 911; he set his place on fire so he wouldn’t look stupid.

Anthropophobes suffer from a pathological fear of human company. 
The odds of being kidnapped by a stranger is 1 to 610,000.
1,836 Vulcans live in Vulcan, Alberta. 
The platypus is venomous. 
70% of Earth is covered in water; the other 30% is covered in idiots.

Food for Thought: Poverty is the mother of crime. ~Marcus Aurelius


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