22 November 2018

Today, six million  Lebanese celebrate 75 years of independence from France.
The first plastic water bottle was manufactured in 1973 by Dow Chemical.
Pine cones have genders.
The Little Tikes Cozy Coupe is the #1 selling car in the US-outselling Mustang. 

France has detonated 217 nuclear bombs.
A Lego block made in 1960 fits flawlessly with one manufactured today.
When tofu is frozen, it turns yellow, but returns to white when thawed.
This is Thanksgiving Day for our American friends and neighbours. 

Smith, Wilson and Robertson are the three most common Scottish patronyms.
Today in 2005, Angela Merkel was sworn in as Germany’s first woman chancellor.
The Prophet Samuel described forks as part of a spiritual ritual in I Samuel 2:13
Golf balls were once made of leather stuffed with feathers.

AWOL from the Periodic Table is the letter “J”.
The UN recognizes 180 currencies circulating in 195 countries. 
350 years ago, the first central bank was established in Sweden.
The human brain holds 100 billion neutrons. 

Food for Thought: Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed. ~Gandhi


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