24 November 2018

Today in 1989, The Czech Communist Party executive quit to make way for free elections.
Breadfruit is a member of the mulberry family.
There are more than 100 different kinds of garden/lawn tractors. 
Regina, Saskatoon and Québec City have the lowest crime rates in the nation.
You know your luck is bad when you’re robbed by a Quaker.

According to a CIBC survey, 56% of us do not have a Last Will and Testament.
Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution, On the Origin of Species, today in 1858.
China has taken top spot as the world’s largest economy since 2015.
The Israelites could eat locusts, crickets and grasshoppers, according to Leviticus 11:22.
If evolution is a theory, thank goodness that gravity is a law.

Gruber is the most common surname in Austria. 
Ethiopians prefer white teff to darker varieties. 
Mercedes-Benz currently markets six electric vehicles.
Lord Tweedsmuir, author and Governor General, awarded the first Governor General’s Literary Prize, today in 1937.
A forward is the author’s apology. 

Child protection seats have been with us for 58 years. 
Little Debbie snacks first hit the shelves in 1960.
Heated and pulled into threads, fibreglass contains the same substances as normal glass. 
In 1936, the bin and the word dumpster bowed in North America.
My neighbour stashed a chocolate bar under his pillow because he wanted sweet dreams. 

Food for Thought: 


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