17 December 2018

Today is National Day, celebrated by 800,000 revellers in Bhutan.
250 millilitres of cooked pumpkin contains 49 calories and two grams of fibre.
As observed  throughout North America, this is National Maple Syrup Day.
Our sun rips through space at 200 kilometres per second.  
My neighbour cleans his gutters every year; he slips and falls every shingle time.

Holly is an evergreen. 
The Goods & Services Tax receives received Royal Assent and made law, today in 1990.
December is National Pear Month. 
48 decibels is the level of noise in a patient’s hospital room; 30 is the desirable max.
1 000 kilos of soup makes Won Ton. 

Helium is the second most common element in the known universe.
A recipe for yams with marshmallows appeared in a Philadelphia cookbook, 131 years ago.
Since its unification in 1634, Bhutan has been independent and never been conquered.
Today in 1992, PM Brian Mulroney signed NAFTA, in a ceremony on Parliament Hill.
A baptized Mexican could be called a bean dip. 

The Toronto Stock Exchange is the world’s 12th largest bourse.
Archery so popular that it has been named the Official Sport of Bhutan. 
Carefully placed by Santa, in eight days, there will be presents under the tree. 
We are the second largest producer of cranberries in the world.
Bad cooks use smoke alarm detectors for timers. 

Food for Thought: Wisdom outweighs any wealth. ~Sophocles


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