27 December 2018

The term ‘gold digger’ entered the lexicon in the 1820s.
Ethiopians celebrate New Year’s Day on 11 September.
It takes from two months to four years for a party balloon to biodegrade.
Beverly, coming from Old English, means meadow. 

The leading age category for motorcycle fatalities is 50+.
Canadians raise bucks for charities during the Polar Bear Plunge on New Year’s.
37 Beefeaters guard the Tower of London. 
Globally, boy babies are 25% more likely to die in infancy than girl babies.
Gold diggers are fund-loving folk. 

Passionate fridge magnet collectors are called memomagnetists.
Carlo Collodi penned Pinocchio as a tragedy, ending in the puppet’s execution.
Bowing as a parlour game in 1890, Ouija became an occult tool during The Great War.
Rwanda draws its name from the Rwanda-Rundi word meaning ‘domain’. 
Turn your next pair of diabetic socks into diabetic sock puppets.

Botox was invented 18 years ago, in Vancouver.
New Year’s Day is the most commonly celebrated public holiday on the globe.
Sedataphobics struggle with the irrational fear of silence.
416 Jews and 319 Muslims live in Latvia.
My neighbour remembers 1999 as if it were yesterday.

Food for Thought: Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let every new year find you a better man. ~Benjamin Franklin


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