29 December 2018

Today is Independence Day for 3 million Mongolians. 
Roman Catholics operate more than 93,200 elementary schools and 43,000 high schools.
When the tubing in a trumpet is stretched out, it measures two metres and then some.
Composers have penned more than 4,000 songs in honour of the rose.
All babies are born on Labour Day. 

Thirsty? 70% of the human brain is composed of water. 
Sharks are kosher.
Congress annexed the Republic of Texas today in 1845, as the 28th of the United States. 
The articulated straw, a.k.a. the ‘bendy straw’ , was invented 83 years ago.
Sharks cross the Great Barrier Reef to get to the other tide.

Nigeria ranks fifth as having the world’s worst drivers. 
90% of all ocean plastic waste comes from ten rivers in Africa and Asia. 
Tesla’s Elon Musk plans to colonize Mars by 2020.
We have 3,648 commercial nut farms, with an average annual revenue of $726,500.
Take psychiatric medications; don’t steal them.

Dead Sea salt has a unique chemical composition, found useful in treating psoriasis.
Only three people in the world know the complete recipe for Heinz Baked Beans.
According to University of Wisconsin studies, Lake Ontario is dirtiest of the Great Lakes.
The Portuguese introduced the ukulele to Hawaiians in the 18th Century. 
My neighbour swam in the Dead Sea back in the days when it was only critically ill. 

Food for Thought: Study the past if you want to define the future. ~Confucious 


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