23 January 2019

IKEA in France employs 10,184 people in its 34 stores.
Butterflies can be frozen for up to a year, thawed and refrozen.
Ancient Greeks used bread as serviettes to wipe their hands during meals.
With six food groups, our first food guide, Canada’s Official Food Rules appeared in 1942.
Never eat more than you can lift. ~Miss Piggy

At last count, 104,680 people served as UN Peacekeepers. 
The first wave of Dutch immigration was in the 1700s, refugees fleeing here from 13 rebellious colonies.
Chev's Corvette is built in Bowling Green, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, USA. 
Ever so delicate, chiffon must be sewn with double French seams and hand washed.
Walmart sells border fencing.

The Lincoln Navigator is the world’s most popular limousine. 
Born in 1955, Kermit the Frog is a leftie. 
An Albertan plumber earns $78,000 a year; the same plumber on PEI earns $37,538. 
Cannabis consumption is legal in 21 countries.
When plumbers fall asleep, they frequently have pipe dreams.

Robophobics suffer from the irrational fear of robots and drones. 
Chomp carefully, chewing tobacco contains 28 carcinogens.
Mexicans, South Koreans and Greeks labour the most hours per week; Germans the least.
Square dances were used by communities as matchmaking events in Canada's early days.
Tap dances are popular with plumbers.

Food for Thought: Peace is a day-to-day process, the product of a multitude of events and judgments. Peace is not an ‘is’, it is a ‘becoming’. ~Haile Selassie


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