25 January 2019

The machine that preps wood fibres for papermaking is called the Hollander beater.
The most littered plastic item on Earth is the plastic filter found in cigarette butts. 
Half a million of us are Snowbirds. 
The cedar tree is an evergreen. 
Don’t litter: It’s called a garbage can—not a garbage cannot. 

British Columbia is home to 16 universities—five are private. 
Chickadees hide food for wintertime meals; they remember where each seed was cached.
95% of textiles are recyclable.
Somewhere on the globe,GM dealers sell a Chev every 8.33 seconds. 
The world’s worst thesaurus is not only awful, it’s awful.

The blade, the guard, the hilt and the pommel are the four parts of sword.
Doteri guksu is a Korean noodle made from ground acorns. 
The Jolly Green Giant turns 93 this year. 
In the 1930s, the coin-operated typewriter was invented in Sweden.
I’m sorry but apologies are really Canadian conversations. 

Britain’s £ is the oldest continuously-used currency, in use for more than 1,100 years.
648 AA batteries are required to power a human being for 24 hours. 
The first ice cream soda was sold in 1874. 
A head count by VETS Canada reveals that at least 2,950 military veterans are homeless. 

My neighbour bought a package of AA batteries but batteries were not included so he had to buy them again.

 Food for Thought:


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