29 January 2019

A single grape has 3 calories. 
There are seven kinds of fire trucks. 
Kansas was admitted to the Union as the 34th of the United States, today in 1861.
82% of Canadians eat breakfast at home. 
Firefighters suffer greatly from burnout. 

At 32 kilometres in length, the Onyx River is the longest river in Antarctica. 
McGill University opened on this date in 1829.
Norwegians pay 30,000 Kroner for a driver’s permit—USD$3,675.
On average, three balsa trees will be found in a hectare of jungle. 
Read the fine print for an education, gain experience when you don't. 

Nunavut and Prince Edward Island have no railways. 
Bleach has no effect on wool or silk. 
81% of all e-mails are spam.
There are 50 days until spring arrives in the Northern Hemisphere.
For deciduous trees, spring is a great re-leaf. 

The top ten snowiest places in Canada are found in BC.
Today in 1886 Karl Benz received a patent for the first gasoline-driven automobile.
61 languages are broadcast throughout the European Union.
Twelve days after mating, an opossum gives birth to between 16 to 20 babies.
Tenseand irregular--it was a verb.

Food for Thought: 


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