31 January 2019

Meyer, Eureka and Lisbon are the three most common types of lemons. 
Hansel and Gretel were kidnapped by the wicked witch in 1812. 
The Federal Government is made up of 36 ministers—17 women and 18 men—and the PM. 
The word ‘clove’ comes from the French word clou’, meaning nail. 
The best thing to put into a gingerbread house is one’s teeth.

Muslims, Christians, Hundus and Buddhists are the four major religions in Bahrain. 
Four of the fifty United States are chartered as Commonwealths. 
Adult dogs have 42 teeth. 
From St. John’s to Victoria, 50% of us prefer Coca-Cola, while Pepsi drinkers number 37.6%
Infidel: Someone who hates Christianity in Kamloops—and one who is a Christian in Riyadh.

More than 350 million of the colourful Rubik’s Cubes have been sold since 1980.
The lower the sun, the higher the rainbow in the sky.
The most desirable skill for Canadian engineers is autoCAD; Number Six is bilingualism. 
Pussy willows are a favourite flower used to mark Chinese New Year celebrations. 
My neighbour was so poor that the rainbows in his village were black and white.

A group of hippopotami is a pod. 
One can visit a  2/3 replica of Noah’s Ark in bucolic Florenceville, New Brunswick.
Leeks are toxic to cats and dogs.
Ice dancing grew out of the Waltz in the 1880s. It became an Olympic Sport in 1976.
If one cannot sing or dance, the obvious alternative is to become a talk show host. 

Food for Thought: A man's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation. ~Mark Twain


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