22 February 2019
Today in 1997, Dolly the sheep was successfully cloned by Scottish scientists.
The World Karate Federation report at there are 100 million practitioners worldwide.
Birks of Montréal has been designing and manufacturing fine silverware since 1879.
The colour pink on a substitute sugar sachet indicates cyclamates; blue for aspartame.
To sweeten the pot, my neighbour adds sugar to his marijuana.
Public broadcaster Radio-Québec was founded today in 1968.
Swans lay three to eight eggs in each clutch.
In India, scrambled eggs include onions, chilli, ginger, turmeric, tomatoes, coriander—served with roti.
The Queen Anne style of furniture reigned from the mid-1720s to 1760.
To make an egg roll, give it a little nudge.
There are 25,000 Blackfoot in Alberta and Saskatchewan; another 7,000 reside in Montana.
Medical alert systems began in 1974 when Philips introduced its Lifeline pendant.
The standard size of a Swedish brick is 250 x 120x x 62 millimetres.
200,000 Spaniards are employed in the bullfighting industry.
A bricklayer may develop a mortar complex.
The Republic of Ireland has twelve prisons.
Because bread has too many crumbs, astronauts spread their peanut butter on tortillas.
Silva is the most common surname in Brazil.
Earth is made up of 17 major, rigid, floating tectonic plates.
Goober peas on the International Space Station are astronuts.
Food for Thought: No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. ~Charles Dickens
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