02 March 2019

Today in 1970, Ian Smith cut ties with Britain and declared Rhodesia to be a republic.
The doughnut making machine was invented by Adolph Levitt in 1920.
$450,000 is the average price of a mobile home in Yellowknife.
The first text message was sent in 1992.
My neighbour was so poor as a kid he didn’t build sand castles he built sand mobile homes.

250 millilitres of coconut milk contains 560 calories.
The No. 1 magazine is The Watchtower: 40 million a month are printed in 180 languages, distributed in in 236 countries.
The supersonic Concorde airliner successfully completed its maiden flight today, in 1969.
Michelangelo was a poet, more than 300 of his poems have been preserved.
The highest honour a cowboy poet can receive is Poet Lariat. 

The Dutch spent €1.2 billion last year to buy a million bicycles.
The name Bernard means bold bear.
India adopted the Rupee as its official currency in 1818. 
The city of Montréal budgets $163.3 million a year for snow removal. 
The moon is similar to the loonie in that they both have four quarters.

Oregano is more flavourful when dried and crushed. 
Time Out! The sand hourglass was eclipsed by the mechanical chronometer in 1500.
The world’s largest cave is found in Borneo.
We mine no bauxite be we do operate a Metric dozen aluminum smelters.
My next-door neighbour had to quit cooking when he ran out of thyme. 

5,000 Canadian Rangers stand on guard for thee in remote parts of the north.
The public phone box was introduced in Germany; it was 1881. 
One of King Tut’s favourite pastimes was ostrich hunting. 
-33.34°C is the boiling point of ammonia. 
Brave Egyptians recorded history with hero-roglyphics. 

Food for Thought: The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. ~Machiavelli 


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