06 April 2019

This is Tartan Day, a North American celebration of Scottish heritage.
Suitcases were originally made of wool or linen. 
The South African Broadcasting Corporation broadcasts in twelve languages. 
The words ‘vaccine’ and ‘vaccination’ were coined during the 1798 smallpox epidemic.
My neighbour says onions are the only food to make one cry. So, I threw coconuts at him.

100 grams of horseradish provides 48 calories, is high in Vitamin C and dietary fibre.
The polygraph was invented in 1921
The domestic gym and health club industry rakes in $4 billion a year.
110 years ago today, Robert Peary and Matthew Henson were first to reach the North Pole.
To keep polar bears from charging, take away their VISA cards.

Today  in 1968, Pierre Trudeau was elected leader of the Grits.
Ombrophobes suffer from the irrational fear of rain. 
There are more than 4,000 officially registered Highland Dress tartans. 
Finns are the happiest people on Earth.
For the past four days it rained so much the animals began to line up in pairs. 

Jacques Cartier brought cabbage to The New World in 1541.
Yawning can result in tear production.
It was 1803 when Humpty Dumpty had his great fall. 
Portuguese chefs whipped up the largest omelette ever with 154,000 eggs. 
Snow White owned a hen named Egg White.

Food for Thought: Honest people don’t hide their deeds. ~Emily Brontë


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