10 April 20193

The leaves on a four-leaf clover represent hope, faith, love and luck.
Authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved are the four types of parenting.
From St. John’s to Victoria, we can donate to 86,260 charitable organizations.
It is peace for Ireland as the Good Friday Agreement was signed in Belfast, today in 1998.
Folk who iron a four-leaf clover are really pressing their luck. 

74% of the sun’s mass is hydrogen. 
Garlic is a member of of the lily family. 
The Library of Canada contains 54 million catalogued items. 
Today in 1972, an earthquake killed 4,000 people in Iran.
Be wary of on-line articles about health—you could die of a misprint. 

The mathematical term ‘fraction’ comes from the Latin ‘fractio’, to break.
A newborn baby porcupine is called a porcupette. 
Western Union operates more than 500,000 agencies in 200 countries. 
Today in 1842, Halifax was incorporated as a city.
Three out of every two people struggle with fractions.

This is the 100th day of 2019.
Neither Shakespeare nor The Bible mentions tomatoes. 
All of the 10,000 varieties of seaweed are edible.
Jeweller and watchmaker Cartiér was founded in 1847.
Charles ate seven of his twelve Crispy Crunch Bars. What he had then was diabetes.

Food for Thought: Empires inevitably fall, and when they do, history judges them for the legacies they leave behind. ~Noah Feldman


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