11 April 2019

Today in 1713, France ceded Acadia and Newfoundland to Britain.
In continental Europe, robins are a delicacy.
The first Women’s Lib organization was established in Toronto in 1967.
Weasels whose coats turn white in the winter are called ermines.
Parisians eat snails because they dislike fast food.

Joan of Arc began hearing voices at the age of twelve.
Today in 2008, the Supreme Court ruled the RCMP must serve New Brunswickers in both official languages.
Happy Birthday! All racehorses age one year on January 1st.
The name of a church in which a Bishop presides is a cathedral.
Earthquake humour will crack you up.

Anne Frank hid in the attic with her two cats, Tommy and Boche.
Today in 1976, the Apple I went on sale. 
Galileo calculated the height of the moon’s mountains, by measuring the shadows they cast.
The weight of a GMC Sierra 1500 is 3.2 tonnes.
My neighbour wrote a book about his cat; it's called Hiss and Tell.

Mangrove trees are salt-tolerant and grow on 60% of Earth’s tropical shorelines.
The Saffir-Simpson scale ranks earthquakes according to their severity.
In 1987, a passenger attempted to hijack an Air Canada jet, using an axe.
Perrier is touted as ‘Earth’s first soft drink’.

Food for Thought: The best safety lies in fear. ~Shakespeare


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