26 May 2019

Happiness ranges from contentment to intense joy. 
Since 1966, today is Independence Day in Guyana, after 152 years of British colonial rule. 
Folks in la belle province are the nation’s largest consumers of horse meat.
A standard-sized credit card measures 85.60 by 53.98 millimetres. 
Horses are happy thanks to their stable environments.

While humans see three basic colours, an eagle sees five.
There is no magic until there is an audience.
As observed throughout the 50 United States, this is National Paper Airplane Day.
O, I don’t want no more of army life, Gee Ma, I wanna go back to Ontario, Gee Ma, I wanna go ho-o-me, has been sung by homesick soldiers since 1940. 

In the 16th Century, Hick was a pet name for Richard.
The first salad bar was introduced to diners in 1950.
A horse’s height is measured in hands.
Today in 1874, Parliament passed the Dominion Elections Act, allowing secret ballot voting.
My neighbour must be a hick; he swears the Toronto Stock Exchange has a fence around it.

At 06h00 on this date in 1968, Icelanders switched from left-lane to right-lane driving. 
Ecuador is the Number One producer and exporter of roses.
Adolf Hitler personally designed the Nazi flag.
Reaching a velocity of 112 kph, the Passaic is the fastest flowing river in the world.
To carry out river operations, one requires a good sturgeon.

Food for Thought: Politeness is the flower of humanity. ~Joseph Joubert


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