29 May 2019

This is Veterans’ Day in Sweden.
Moose have been clocked swimming at 9.5 kph. 
India ink is composed of soot and water.
Former Prime Minister Jean Chretièn is an accomplished trombone player.
I sink, therefore I swam.

The golf tee was patented in 1899 by Dr. George Grant, son of slaves, freed by Lincoln.
Meaning ‘to mislead’, the expression ‘red herring’ entered the lexicon in 1807.
Today in 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzig Norgay were first to reach the top of Mt. Everest.
The CAA boasts more than 6.2 million members. 
My neighbour skidded, flipped his car-was found in a field by stray cows-they didn't call 911.

Iceland’s unicameral Althing , currently has  63 Members of Parliament. 
Today in 1968,  Presbyterians ordained Shirley Jeffery. She served in London, ON.
Grease is a semisolid lubricant, composed of soap, emulsified with mineral or vegetable oil.
The population of the Kingdom of Morocco is 34,740,000.
When politicians see the light at the end of the tunnel, they rush out to buy more tunnel. 

Generation Snowflake: today’s youth are easily offended and lack resilience.
SDAs, JWs, Dispensationalists and Christidelphians believe in a literal Armageddon.
The denonym for a resident of Guadalajara is Tapitío. 
Today in 1913, the RMS Empress of Ireland sank in the St. Lawrence, 1012 perished. 
At the end of time, the CBC’s lead story will be, ‘We’re Dead’, the Reader’s Digest cover will read ‘Bye!’

Food for Thought: Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners. ~Laurence Sterne


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