25 June 2019

Today in 1975, Mozambique gained independence from Portugal.
Tin foil hats—worn to prevent mind control by government—were first donned in 1926.
In France, snuff was prescribed for migraine headaches in the 1540s.
Today in 1993, Kim Campbell became the 14th PM; the first woman to lead the nation.
Evil people who get headaches are Advillians. 

The rainbow flag was unfurled for the first time, today in 1978.
Sewing machines are calibrated for use with 50-weight cotton thread.
Potatoes account for 36% of all fresh and processed vegetables consumed Canadawide.
Mechanically, a seesaw is a lever, costing of a beam and a fulcrum. 
My neighbour composes tunes about sewing machines. He’s a Singer songwriter. 

Sweet corn ice cream is heavenly when served with blueberry pie.
Canada Post charges $9.50 to register a piece of mail. 
Located on the celestial equator, Orion is visible to every person on the globe. 
The active ingredient in Fabreeze is derived from corn.
Corn oil is used to keep the ears from squeaking. 

The leaves, fruit and flowers of the hawthorn are used to make cardiac meds. 
’These’ is the plural of ‘this’; ‘those’ is the plural of ‘that’.
Chrysler Canada is 94 years old. 
Gepetto carved Pinocchio out of pine wood.
The Windsor Police Department hired its first tree, to work in Special Branches. 

Food for Thought: People with a sense of humour tend to be less egocentric and more realistic in their view of the world and more humble in moments of success and less defeated in times of travail. ~Bob Newhart


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