27 June 2019

This is Multiculturism Day, marking the unique and colourful, mosaic that is our country.
According to legend, Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare, created the first olive tree.
The portmanteau of ’smoke’ and ‘fog’, the word ‘smog’ entered the lexicon in 1905.
It takes seven kilos of olives to make a litre of olive oil.
Love is in the air and it’s highly polluted.

Only 15% of business transactions in Sweden are cash.
In ancient Greece, brides carried bouquets of garlic, not flowers.
A macadamia nut contains 20 calories.
Today in 1980, O Canada became the national anthem.
To make proper garlic toast, lift your glass and praise it for all of its accomplishments.

Hydraulic systems convert existing energy from one form to another.
Today in 1975, L’Anse aux Meadows Park in NL opened; the Viking town was found in 1961.
Alliumphobes struggle with the irrational fear of garlic.
Hewlett-Packard, Inc. is 80 years old.
The Vikings’ head librarian was Erik the Read.

20% of our exports are forestry products.
The first opera was performed in Florence in 1598.
The black mamba hits 20 kph and its bite will kill a human in less than 30 minutes.
One out of every ten vehicles in the world is manufactured by Volkswagen.
Trees that grow in smog are needed to make carbon paper.

Food for Thought: He who angers you, conquers you. ~Elizabeth Kenny


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