28 June 2019

Ribbon weaving was banned throughout Europe for much of the 17th Century.
Happy Birthday! CN Rail is 100 years old, the second largest railroad on the continent. 
According to culinary standards, gourmet ice cubes must measure 3 x 3 x 3.5 centimetres.
Today in 1981, 22-year old Terry Fox died. His legacy inspires millions to conquer cancer.
Elephants boycott trains; they refuse to place their trunks in the baggage car.

Now a stand-alone moniker, Sally was once a nickname for Sarah.
Whale meat is often found in supermarkets, labelled as ‘sea steak’.  
4.8 million of us will travel abroad in 2019; 2.6 million tourists will visit the Great White North.
Romans considered June the most fortuitous month to marry.
‘As pretty as an airport’ is a common expression in no Earth language, whatsoever.

83 km of the Trans-Canada honours Terry Fox. Cancer cut him down in Nipigon, ON. 
Mercedes and Benz merged their companies on this date in 1926.
A sneeze races 160 km/h and can travel up to ten metres.
Kindle is the term to describe a group of children.
People who don’t cover their faces when they sneeze make me sick.

Pimientos have one of the lowest ratings of any chilli pepper on the Scoville scale of heat.
The  verb ‘filch’ entered the lexicon in the 1560s, as slang for ‘steal in a small, sly way’.
Sold in more than 200 countries, the world’s leading gel dentifrice is Colgate.
Today in 1988 Parliament made it illegal to advertise tobacco products.
My neighbour is a heavy smoker; he goes through two lighters a day. 

Food for Thought: If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home. ~James Michener


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