29 June 2019

The wire hanger is 150 years old.
Web crawler Google was initially introduced to the public as BackRub. 
This is Veterans’ Day in the Netherlands. 
0.3% of our forests are harvested yearly; we are the world’s #1 exporter of softwood lumber.
Hanging: a suspended sentences.

Today in 1898, the first Express left St. Johns at 19h20; it arrived in Port-aux-Basques the next evening.
Psychology has ten main branches. 
Celery leaves are herbs; celery seeds are spice. 
The surnames Baxter and Brewster described women who made beer. 
My neighbour takes psychotropic meds—it’s better than stealing them. 

Doctors prescribe antidepressants to 5.5% of us; the ratio is five times higher in NL than BC. 
Dance is choreography, repertoire of movement, historical period or place of origin. 
Next year, 100% State of Tasmania’s power will be 100% sourced from renewable energy.
On this date in 1962, the Champlain Bridge opened, linking Montréal to the South Shore.
Solar energy has been proven to brighten up your life. 

Egyptians serve feta cheese with watermelon to bring out more of the fruit’s flavour. 
A butt is a unit of measure that equals 105 Imperial gallons. 
The Prince of Whales lives in British Columbia; he is an orca. 
Today in 2007, Apple released its first iPhone.
The epitaph on Steve Jobs' gravestone reads, iCame, iSaw, iConquered. 

Food for Thought: Trees are poems that the Earth writes upon the sky. ~Khalil Gibran


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