23 July 2019

Vegans make faux escargot with avocados and silken tofu. 
In the event of nuclear war, Switzerland has bunkers for all 8.42 million citizens.
The bright orange colour of wood fires indicates the presence of sodium. 
Today in 1974, the Bank of Canada hiked the lending rate to 9.25%%.
Snails communicate by shell phone. 

Made in 71 countries, YKK zippers come on 9,500 colours and 20 shades of black.
Belgian endive, radicchio and sugarloaf are the three kinds of chicory. 
This is Renaissance Day in Oman. 
It costs 17¢ for the Bank of Canada to print a polymer banknote in the current Frontier series.
My neighbour boycotts companies that sell things he can't afford. 

While we make choices, we do not get to choose the resulting consequences.
StatsCan has counted 49,431 farms in Alberta.
Excessive talking can be a symptom of logorrhœa.
Today in 1967, the Detroit Riots began. 43 died, 343 injured and 1,400+ buildings burnt.
Sleeping male cattle are called bulldozers. 

Horseshoe crabs are more closely related to spiders, ticks and scorpions than to crabs.
Narcolepsy affects one out of every 2,000 Canadians. 
Hong Kong boasts the highest density of Rolls-Royce automobiles.
Today in 1940, the Soviet Union annexed Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
The sleepwalking nun was diagnosed as being a roamin' Catholic. 

Food for Thought: If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to meet it. ~Jonathan Winters


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