30 July 2019

Porsche built tanks for the Wermacht during World War Two. 
Today in 1967, Toronto's Caribbean community celebrated the first Caribana.
The A830 Airbus can seat 853 passengers. 
Revolts take place to overthrow oppressors; the rebellious want concessions from overlords.  
Cross an airplane with a psychic--the result is a flying sorcerer. 

New Brunswick boasts four artisanal cheesemakers. 
The word stucco means plaster in Italian.
Only male crickets can chirp. 
On this date in 1930, Uruguay won the first FIFA World Cup.
A cannibal's favourite cheese is limb-burger.

Today in 1975, Petro-Canada was created by an act of Parliament.
Shakespeare penned, 'Brevity is the soul of wit'. 
A group of foxes is called an 'earth'. 
Louis Comfort Tiffany began to produce stained glass windows in 1878.
My neighbour would go to the four corners of Earth to prove the world is not flat.

The RMS Queen Mary sailed across the Atlantic 1 001 times before retirement. 
Buick is an ancient English surname meaning 'bee farm'. 
A member of the lute family, the mandolin is plucked with a plectrum. 
Today in 1962, Prime Minister Diefenbaker officially opened the Trans-Canada Highway. 
Do not watch symphony concerts on the CBC. There's too much sax and violins. 

Food for Thought: There is no greater wealth than peace of mind. ~Unknown


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