22 August 2019

There is a noodle museum in Yokohama. 
The Gut of Canso is 20 kilometres long.
Dibs and first dibs entered the lexicon in 1907.
The average person manages 90 accounts that require passwords.
Our Vietnamese café sells herbed potatoes in soup: Thyme fries when you're having phõ.

Sputnik Radio broadcasts in 30 languages.
One to ten is the ratio of physicians to patients in Lebanon.
Bighorn sheep like to swim.
It takes 780 000 tonnes of Albertan sugar beets to make 100 000 tonnes of refined sugar.
Violent, militant right-wing, extremist sheep have vowed to wool the world. 

StatsCan says that every 20 minutes a senior dies as the result of a fall. 
Researchers have proven that monosodium glutamate does not trigger headaches.
The hymn, Drop Kick Me Jesus Through the Goalposts of Life was published in 1974.
Stress is a type of psychological pain. 
Old Hamilton Ti-Cats never die; they just pass away. 

Created by the Czechs in 1835, the Swiss, Irish and Finns are polka fanatics.
The heaviest cat on record weighed in at 21.2 kilos.
There are 117 Pentecostal Assemblies in Newfoundland and Labrador. 
The given name Nabīl means 'noble' in Arabic. The English equivalent is Patrick. 
When my neighbour's cat ate a skein of yarn, she gave birth to a litter of mittens.

Food for Thought: Rich people without wisdom and learning are but sheep with golden fleeces. ~Solon


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