23 August 2019

Today in 1890, Moncton became a city.
Three million Americans self-identify as Episcopalian.
Maria Montessori created her first school 112 years ago.
Pinto is the Spanish word for 'painted'. 
If a stranger offers you magic beans, just say, 'No'.

Le Groupe Bel employs 12,700 people in 30 countries.
Tradition dictates that Tahitian weddings take place on the beach.
15 is the sum of the first five consecutive whole numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5.
Today in 1797, Emmanuel Allen was the last slave auctioned in Canada.  
My neighbour cut himself on a piece of cheese; it was a sharp Cheddar.

Alba, Continental, Mexican and Hamburg are the four grades of cinnamon. 
Windsor, Ontario's Peace Fountain is the only international floating fountain in the world.
Melatonin was discovered in 1958.
The trumpet has the highest register in the brass family of musical instruments. 
The most dangerous food in the world is wedding cake.

The BBC used the opening of Beethoven's Fifth as Morse Code for "Victory" during WWII.
Wedding invitations are traditionally written in the formal, third-person format.
15% of Bluenosers live on Cape Breton Island.
Today in 1991, civilians could access to the World Wide Web.
My neighbour overdosed on curry powder; he fell into a korma.
Food for Thought: The weak can never forgive; forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. ~Gandhi


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