24 August 2019

In the 6th Century BCE, Pythagoras was first to determine the world is spherical.
Soft drink bottlers Canada Dry, Crush, Big8 and Clearly Canadian are domestically owned.
Africa's second longest, the Congo River crosses the equator twice.
Today in 1814, British troops burnt the White House. We promise not to do it again.
Chemists who work in the soda pop industry are fizzysists. 

99 years ago, Mazda incorporated as a maker of artificial cork; vehicles came in 1931.
Obviously not Deepwater Baptists, honey bees communicate by dancing. 
From Windsor to the Québec border, Ontario's Highway 401 stretches 817.9 kilometres.
Hodophobes struggle with the irrational fear of travelling.
God is gracious but it is presumptuous to dance in a canoe.

The Widow Josephine is Peter Rabbit's mother. 
People who discriminate against redheads practise gingerism.
Loyola College joined Sir George Williams U. as Concordia U. in Montréal, today in 1974.
Milk is used in the manufacture paint, glue, artificial silk and eco-friendly plastics. 
The demon-possessed Easter Bunny leaves devilled eggs. 

Today in 2016, the RCMP approved the hijab as part of Muslim Mounties' uniforms.
Honey's antiseptic properties make it a natural for cleansing wounds.
It was 97 years ago that Quaker Oats set up shop in Peterborough, Ontario.
Highway 401 was proposed by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation in 1938. 
The RCMP have charged Goldilocks with three counts each of B&E, theft and vandalism.

Food for Thought: Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. ~Neil Gaimen


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