28 August 2019

Elmer the Safety Elephant is 72 years old.
The complete nursery rhyme, Jack and Jill has 15 stanzas.
A female opossum has 13 nipples.
Today in 1833, slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire.
An elephant was ticketed for running through a stomp sign. 

Table tennis became an Olympic sport in 1988.
13% of the world's oats are grown in Canada.
Today in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King gave his I Have a Dream speech to 200,000 people.
Dr. Ruth was a sniper in the Israeli Army. 
Horses can be trained to play stable tennis. 

For every multiplication answer, there are two division equations. 
The whooper swan is the National Bird of Finland.
The Snickers chocolate bar was named after a horse.
43,500 educators are members of the Alberta Teachers' Association.
My next-door neighbour's horse only comes out at midnight, it's a nightmare.

No need to wait for Armageddon, Norwegians can go to Hell anytime.
The letter 'V' is the only one that is never silent. 
The surgical mask was invented in Paris; the year was 1897.
Maria, Ximena and Sofia are the most common given names given to Mexican girls.
Not only do Canadians have a quirky sense of humour, we know how to spell it.

Food for Thought: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. ~Martin Luther King


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