30 August 2019

We can enjoy 24 more days of summer.
Roundabouts reduce traffic fatalities by 90%.
StatsCan reports that 42.3% of Millennials still live with their parents. 
In Arizona, it is illegal to allow a donkey to sleep in a bathtub.
My neighbour learned that most accidents happen less than a klick from home. He moved.

Liquid soap made its first big splash in 1865.
A NASA spacesuit costs US$12 million.
92% of Brazilian automobiles run on ethanol, sourced from sugar cane. 
Today in 1611, Governor John Guy proclaimed Newfoundland's first laws. 
To avoid parking tickets, remove the windshield wipers from your vehicle.

14 years ago today, Hurricane Katrina ripped into New Orleans, killing more than 1,700.
Smiling creates antibodies that strengthen the immune system.
Halleys Comet will orbit Earth in 2061.
The name Cincinnatus means 'curly haired'. 
We'd be completely safe if hurricanes were sold to the Argonauts; they'd never touch down.

Half a million Irish died during the Great Potato Famine.
Danes pay a 150% tax on new car purchases.
Self-help books transmit folk wisdom, or help to regain lost traditional behaviours.
Melbourne, Victoria was founded today in 1835.
An astronaut stepped on some gum in outer space; now she's stuck in Orbit.

Food for Thought: Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic on both sides. ~Margaret Thatcher


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