02 September 2019 Labour Day

The Automatic Teller Machine turns 50 today.
It is the sulphur compounds found in onions that makes one cry.
The safest angle to position a ladder is 75.5°.
Prince Harry stands 189 centimetres tall. 
In the era of dinosaurs, there were no ATMs--they made do with Tyrannosaurus Cheques.

It is impossible to buy a Citroën in Canada, the US and México.
The name Charles means full-grown or freeman. 
Today in 1945, Imperial Japan formally surrendered to the Allies.
Coal is formed from peat. 
The introverted CEO in the coal industry mined his own business.

The lowest rank in the RCAF is Aviator.
Introduced in 1915, Maybelline mascara was made from coal dust and Vaseline.
On this date in 1752, the British Empire adopted the Julian calendar.
Today in 1998, Swissair Flight 111 crashed into St. Margaret's Bay, NS; 229 perished.
Two wrongs don't make a right but two Wrights can make a plane.

The shelf life of  a can of Heinz baked beans is two years. 
This is Labour Day for North Americans.
The V-belt is the basic belt used to transmit power. 
Lunch is the shortened  form of luncheon.
To make homemade tear gas, bake beans with onions. 

Food for Thought: Canadian values demand that we do something about rising inequality before we turn into a winner-take-all society with a permanent underclass. We are in this together, and that means we must once again care and share. ~Ed Broadbent


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