21 August 2018

Air Canada employs 42,000 people.
On this date in 1959, Hawaii was admitted to the Union as the 50th of the United States.
Canada spends $242 billion a year on healthcare. 
Abdullah is a theophoric name meaning Follower of God.
There is a theory that the rings of Saturn are entirely composed of lost airline luggage.

Hawaii is comprised of 132 islands, islets, reefs and shoals.
Spending $388 million last year, the Canadian Space Agency’s budget is out of this world.
Chinese, Indians, Americans, Russians and Brazilians are the planet's most depressed people. 
The University of Puerto Rico spent $442,340 to document the behaviours of Vietnamese male prostitutes.
To keep a rotting tomato from smelling, pinch its nose.

The Robertson screw is 99 years old.
Aloha! Hawaiians have the longest lifespan of all Americans, living to an average age of 81.3 years.
More than 200,000 commuters a day pass through Toronto’s Union Station. 
Even more popular than beer, Lufthansa served 1.7 million litres of tomato juice to passengers in 2007.
Puns about monorails make for good one liners. 

Call him Guillaume, Guglielmo, Guglielm, Wilhelm or William, but do Tell—the marksman inspired Swiss confederacy in 1307.
Niagara Falls became Canada and America’s first National Parks, in 1885.
Be enlightened. 1.2 billion people have no access to hydro.
Incas built a 10-million person empire on freeze-dried potatoes and an advanced knowledge of llama and alpaca breeding.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away but—if you lob it hard enough—expect a restraining order.
Food for Thought: The upward course of a nation's history is due in the long run to the soundness of heart of its average men and women. ~Queen Elizabeth II


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