30 August 2018

Today in 1835,  the City of Melbourne was founded in the State of Victoria.
Chinese chequers were invented in Germany.
Animal Crackers have had 103 different zoo critters since 1903; now they run free!
The USSR dissolved today in 1991, triggered by Azerbaijan’s declaration of independence.
Don’t run with bagpipes, you could put an eye out--or worse--get kilt.

40% of all commutes in Amsterdam are by bicycle.
Simple Simon met the pieman in 1685.
To treat gout and frostbite, physicians once prescribed crude oil. 
At 14 apiece, Chile, Indonesia and Slovakia boast the most public holidays.
Magic dogs are called Labracadabradors. 

50% of Canadians admit to believing in at least one conspiracy theory. 
There are three species of storks.
Pteridophobics suffer from an irrational fear of ferns.
In 1953, the price of that doggie in the window averaged $4.
The hardest part of running a business is to mind your own.

From 1923 to 1967, Canada banned immigrants from China.
Dogs have begged for Milk-Bone biscuits for 110 years.
There are three classifications of triangles.
The transitive verb ‘volunteer’ entered the lexicon in 1755.
Those who are completely wrapped up in themselves make very small packages.
Food for Thought:


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