30 October 2018

We ring in the New Year in 62 days.
The average lifespan of a horse is 25 years.
Khoury is the most common surname in Lebanon. 
There are 14 basic nose shapes.
Trump is nothing like Hitler; there’s no way Trump could write a book. ~Frankie Boyle

A bloodhound has 4 billion olfactory receptors.
Lefties chew their food on the left side.
Today in 1995, voters in Québec narrowly rejected independence in favour of staying in Confederation.
Latrophobes suffer from an irrational fear of physicians. 
My neighbour is too poor to own a dog so every day he walks the plank. 

Folks in British Columbia eat the least red meat. 
There are around 2,000 varieties of cacti. 
From 1854 to1866, Britain—and her colonies—enjoyed free trade with the United States.
The ackee and the lychee are members of the soapberry family. 
A transport filled with tortoises hit head on with another carrying terrapins—it was a turtle disaster.

The ancient term ’sinking sand’ is today known as quicksand.
A female leopard is called a leopardess. 
The word ‘buddy’ —meaning ‘friend’ —entered our vocabulary in 1802.
Six companies manufacture automobiles in the UK.
Escalators are never broken—they are just temporarily stairs. 

Food for Thought: Winning or losing of the election is less important than strengthening the country. ~Indira Gandhi


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