19 November 2018

Yogourt naturally rehydrates skin.
The House of Saud, the Saudi Royal Family, was established in 1744.
Seeing the colour red makes the human heart beat faster.
This is the UN’s World Toilet Day-- 4.5 billion people have no access to proper sanitation.
Sobeys sells so many brands of yogourt, I can’t keep up; it’s all Greek to me.

California has 30,000 registered professional firefighters.
The turkey nearly became extinct in the 1930s because it was such a popular food.
Ford announced it would drop the slow-selling Edsel on this date, in 1959.
Unsafe water kills 200 children every hour. 
A turkey got into a brawl, and got the stuffing knocked out of him.

According to legend, a unicorn can purify water with a touch of its horn.
By Royal Proclamation, the  Crown Colony of British Columbia was created today, in 1858.
There are five kinds of warts.
Water regulates Earth’s temperatures.
My neighbour watched a documentary on the CBC about frogs; he said it was ribbiting.

On average, elephants swim 32 kilometres a day. 
Before the introduction of tobacco, Europeans smoked pear leaves.
On this date in 2001, Nelson Mandala became Canada’s first honorary citizen. 
Powdered marble is an ingredient in Alka-Seltzer.
Elephants are modest; they swim with their trunks on.

Food for Thought: Common sense is not so common. ~Voltaire


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